Séminaire CoaP du 11 février

Dans le cadre de notre séminaire « La Cybersécurité sur un plateau » (Cybersecurity on a Plate), nous aurons 1 présentation le mardi 11 février prochain. Le séminaire CoaP aura lieu à 10h30 dans le bâtiment IMT/TP/TSP, en salle 3.A213.

Si vous venez participer pour la première fois, n'hésitez pas à contacter les organisateurs pour ne pas être bloqué à l'entrée.

Adam Oumar Abdel-rahman (Télécom SudParis) - Privacy-Preserving Web Content Filtering using Attribute-Based Encryption

Abstract: The rapid growth of encrypted data, particularly TLS-encrypted traffic, has enhanced privacy by reducing cyberattack exposure. However, this shift challenges traditional monitoring tools, rendering them ineffective in handling encrypted traffic. Balancing confidentiality and security in systems such as intrusion detection requires innovative solutions. In this paper, we explore privacy-preserving web content filtering using attribute-based encryption (ABE). This approach enables enforcing access policies—such as blocking inappropriate or harmful content—while preserving users' privacy and requests. We present a comprehensive study, from specification to evaluation, showcasing how cryptographic techniques can address the dual needs of privacy and control in modern information systems.

Julien Malka (Télécom Paris) - Increasing trust in the open source software supply chain with reproducible builds and functional package management

Abstract: Functional package managers and reproducible builds are technologies and methodologies that are conceptually very different from the traditional software deployment model, and that have promising properties for software supply chain security. In this presentation, I’ll introduce the main lines of work included in my thesis surrending these topics and the findings from a research project on the reproducibility of the Nix software repository.